Dr. Benveniste aims to preserve and restore much of the mouths
natural appearance and function.
TMJ – Jaw Joint Problems
When the chewing muscles and the joint
connected to the lower jaw don’t function
properly, muscle spasms, pain and tissue
damage can result. Improper bite, arthritis,
injuries, and grinding and clenching are
common causes of Temporomandibular Joint
Syndrome (TMJ).
Many people have experienced unhealed migraines for long periods of time and in many cases they are TMJ problems. If you’re experiencing headaches, jaw tenderness, locked jaws, earaches, face pain, difficulty chewing, dizziness or clicking, popping and grating sounds when opening or closing the mouth, you may suffer from TMJ.
Once a thorough diagnosis is made,
Dr. Benveniste can provide
several conservative treatment options designed to improve the
function of joint muscles through comfortable
non-needle, non-drug, non-invasive procedures.
Bite Correction
Grinding and clenching the teeth while sleeping can not only cause irreversible damage, but is one of the most common causes of TMJ. Made from a mold of your teeth, a corrective bite plate or splint can be worn at night to reduce stress on the teeth and jaw. By relieving stress on the teeth and offering a protective barrier, it helps prevent the grinding and clenching habits that can lead to muscle spasms, and ultimately to jaw joint deterioration.
Dr. Benveniste may also recommend smoothing down misaligned teeth that are too high to prevent abnormal stress on the chewing muscles. This is typically painless and requires only one appointment.
Pain Relief
To relieve pain and muscle spasms, Dr. Benveniste may recommend ultrasound, moist heat packs, muscle massage and switching to a soft, non-chewy diet. Occasionally muscle relaxant and pain medication are prescribed.
Relaxation Therapy
Biofeedback and stress control techniques may be utilized to reduce muscle tension in the jaws.
Surgical Correction
When other methods of relief have proved insufficient, the joint itself is injured or arthritic, or when muscle spasms have occurred for long periods of time, surgery may be recommended, but only in very rare instances.
If you’re experiencing any symptoms of Gum Disease, or TMJ, call
(818) 881-7337 for more information or to schedule an appointment.